Oliver Völckers from BeST Berliner Sensortechnik http://bestsensor.de introduces their latest product: a device that uses the Internet of Things to monitor wastewater in high-speed trains in Germany. The device is designed to check for flow, and it's equipped with a pattern recognition system that can detect irregularities. The sensor is a probe inside the device, which has a battery life of more than three months and uses a Nordic NRF 9160 chip with integrated wireless. The device is waterproof and shockproof, and there are currently 40 of them in use for over a year. Oliver explains that their system is unique and not like any other flow meters because it works with wastewater, which is challenging to detect. He also mentions that they have their own pattern recognition software that they built themselves, making it a reliable and strict system. (chatgpt generated paragraph based on auto subtitle)